Intuitive Medium Reading | with Ann Miller-French

Intuitive Medium Reading with Ann Miller-French
Intuitive/Medium Reading with Ann Miller-French

Ann Miller-French is a naturally gifted Empath, Intuitive, and Medium and has been connecting with the afterlife ever since she was a little girl. Ann bridges the gap between the living and the afterlife (loved ones and pets). She uses her intuitive gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairalience, clairgustance, and clairempathy! Ann connects daily with the Creator and her Higher Self. She lives in Newberry, Florida.

For many years, Ann has been channeling, receiving, and sharing messages from the Archangels, Ascended Masters (i.e., Jesus, Quan Yin, Buddha, St. Germain), Spirit Teachers and Guides, The Galactic Federation of Light, the afterlife, and more. The information received and shared is from a space of compassion, love, and our Creator. For more information about Ann, click here. You can also connect with Ann on Facebook and Instagram.

What to Expect?

During your Medium Reading, Ann connects with the afterlife (loved ones and/or pets that have passed). She shares their messages of love, encouragement, inspiration, guidance, and closure as she helps you navigate through your grieving process. Please have an open mind during your reading, as Ann receives and shares heartwarming messages from your loved ones coming through at that time.

During your Intuitive Reading, Ann shares insights and clarity for questions you might have regarding health, relationships, finances, career, life’s purpose, and more. She tunes into the current energy of your timelines and provides information available from the quantum field of possibilities. Ann also works with the Archangels and the Ascended Masters for master guidance and support.

Please note, all readings are offered remotely through Zoom or by phone. You are welcome to ask questions and take notes during your reading, as recording is not allowed. Thank you.

Are you interested in developing your intuitive and mediumship abilities? Ann offers fun and personalized training workshops!

Ann also offers Animal Communication Readings with Animal Reiki. Click here to learn more about this exciting new service!

Ann Miller-French is also available for public speaking and large or small group events. Contact her today for more information!

Client testimonial: I have known Ann for over 2 years. I recently lost my son, and she helped me navigate communicating with him. Having him speak through her was a great comfort and validated what I was hearing from him. Her intuitive and psychic abilities are accurate and very strong. Most of all, Ann is a very caring and kind person. She doesn’t sugarcoat anything, but she taps into what is best for the person she is helping. I highly recommend Ann for support in contacting the other side and for any help with direction in your life.

-Sonja H.

Disclaimers: Intuitive Readings, Medium Readings, Reiki, and Light Language are not used as a substitute for medical treatment.  Energy work is a complementary modality, which can be used together with any other form of medical, natural, or alternative therapy.  A reading is for entertainment purposes only. This is a self-development and spiritual guidance tool. Ann Miller-French is not a therapist and does not diagnose conditions or suggest medical treatment.  It is recommended that you work with the advice of your healthcare provider for all medical needs. The information discussed during a session is understood as a guideline only. Any session booked with Ann Miller-French is through your own free will. Ann will not be held responsible for any actions that you may or may not take, as this is also through your own free will.

Please note, that you must be at least 18 years of age or older to schedule a session. Sessions scheduled for children under the age of 18, must have an adult and/or guardian present during the entire appointment. Thank you.

10% of all proceeds received from services booked with Ann Miller-French will be donated to a local charity in Florida every month. Ann is also a monthly Reiki volunteer at the Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.

Active-duty military and veterans – military discounts are available for any service booked with Angelik Hands. For more details, please inquire with Ann prior to scheduling. Thank you for your service.

Payment & Scheduling Information

  • To schedule, please contact Ann by phone (414) 429-5117 or email at  (Ann is available Monday through Friday).
  • Include your email address and phone number to receive your appointment reminder and Zoom link by email.
  • Please note, payment is due in full at time of scheduling.
  • If a session needs to be rescheduled for any reason, 24-hours’ notice is kindly requested, and session credit must be used within 60 days, as payments are non-refundable. Thank you.
  • Please click on the payment link below or make your payment by phone with Ann.
  • Angelik Hands, LLC, accepts Venmo and all major debit and credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
  • All services start and end at their scheduled time frame. Thank you.

(1) 45-minutes Intuitive or Medium Reading

Your investment: $155.00 (for 1 person)

Gift certificates are also available for purchase.


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