Reconnect and rejuvenate with light language therapy and distant-Reiki with Light Language Practitioner and Artist, Ann Miller-French, RMP. Ann uses her extrasensory abilities to help you navigate through your energetic blockages, heart walls, and obstacles, which are affecting your life, vitality, health, relationships, and wellbeing.
Light language therapy is a form of healing through sound frequency and messages, which are light codes and activations instructing your Higher Self back to unity. Light language is the universal language of the soul. The sounds that are created, bypass the ego mind and are deeply understood by the soul. This information is received and integrated at the cellular level of the body, in addition to the body’s energy fields.
This powerful modality can be used for clearing stuck and blocked energy, body aches, pain, post–surgical trauma, emotional trauma, addictions, insomnia, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and ancestral trauma. Light Language is also used for activating the light body for accelerated consciousness, expansion of intuition, clearing limiting beliefs, and thought patterns, and so much more!
Reiki is a Japanese word (pronounced Ray-key), which means ‘Universal Life Force Energy’. It is a natural and gentle holistic technique used for clearing blocked and stuck energy, pain management, weight management, reducing stress, anxiety & depression, digestive issues, addictions, and long-term illness (i.e., cancer, auto-immune disease). Reiki therapy is also used for recovering from surgery, traumas, and injuries, improving sleep, promoting relaxation, increasing intuition, balancing the chakras, healing from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and more!
Reiki can be sent remotely to another person (a.k.a. distant–Reiki). Ann acts as a ‘conduit’ for sending energy healing to her clients. This is done through a loving and heart-based intention. Reiki practitioners can also channel energy into another person by means of touch or hands above the body, to activate natural healing processes.
What to Expect?
During your 60-minutes Zoom session with Ann, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss your overall wellness goals. Your session includes light language therapy (spoken healing codes), distant-Reiki, a guided meditation with breathwork, and a holistic wellness plan.
You will be encouraged to drink lots of water after your session and take time for integration, releasing, and continued healing at the cellular, emotional, and physical level of your being. You might also experience emotional releases, need additional time for rest, sleep, or more, which is common after this type of therapy. More than one session is recommended to achieve maximum results.
Also, visit Ann’s full collection of Light Language Activation paintings and her artist’s profile on Instagram: lightlanguageartbyann. She also has many of her paintings on display and available for purchase in Newberry, Florida, and on her Etsy Shop for Angelik Hands.
You can also find many of Ann’s light language videos on her YouTube channel, Angelik Hands. Subscribe today!
Disclaimers: Reiki and Light Language are not used as a substitute for medical treatment. Energy work is a complementary modality, which can be used together with any other form of medical, natural, or alternative therapy. A holistic reading is for entertainment purposes only. This is a self-development and spiritual guidance tool. Ann Miller-French is not a therapist and does not diagnose conditions or suggest medical treatment. It is recommended that you work with the advice of your healthcare provider for all medical needs. The information discussed during a session is understood as a guideline only. Any session booked with Ann Miller-French is through your own free will. Ann will not be held responsible for any actions that you may or may not take, as this is also through your own free will.
Please note, that you must be at least 18 years of age or older to schedule a session. Sessions scheduled for children under the age of 18, must have an adult and/or guardian present during the entire appointment. Thank you.
10% of all proceeds received from services booked with Ann Miller-French will be donated to a local charity in Florida every month. Ann is also a monthly Reiki volunteer at the Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary.
Active-duty military and veterans – military discounts are available for any service booked with Angelik Hands. For more details, please inquire with Ann prior to scheduling. Thank you for your service.
Payment & Scheduling Information
- To schedule, please contact Ann by phone (414) 429-5117 or email at ann_miller444@yahoo.com. (Ann is available Monday through Friday).
- Include your email address and phone number to receive your appointment reminder and Zoom link by email.
- Please note, payment is due in full at time of scheduling.
- If a session needs to be rescheduled for any reason, 24-hours’ notice is kindly requested, and session credit must be used within 60 days, as payments are non-refundable. Thank you.
- Please click on the payment link below or make your payment by phone with Ann.
- Angelik Hands, LLC, accepts Venmo and all major debit and credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
- All services start and end at their scheduled time frame. Thank you.
Light Language w/Distant-Reiki, Guided Meditation, & Wellness Plan, (1) 60-minutes Session
Your investment: $155.00
Distant-Reiki, Guided Meditation, and Holistic Feedback, (1) 60-minutes Session
Your investment: $155.00
Gift certificates are also available for purchase.
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